Thursday 30 September 2010

The doctor in The handmaid's Tale

Offred visits the doctor regularly to be checked for any diseases ( for example: sexually transmitted deseases ), complications or difficulties. After Offred fornicates with the Commander first time, she gets herself checked by the doctor. The doctor offers to have sex with her to get pregnant implying that the Commander is probably infertile. This conveys the Doctor in a very unprofessional light because he offers his PATIENT to have sexual intercourse with him. The Doctor makes it seem like it's for beneficial reasons, just so Offred gets pregnant but it also implies a sense of sexual desires being formed by the Doctor. It makes his character look 'loose' and 'immodest' because it is not normal for a Doctor to get intimate with his Patient.
The doctor also makes Offred uneasy, this suggests that his body language is not simple and clear to read and that he wants more than just a check up with Offred. This further shows the Doctor's mentality, the fact that he offers to have sex with Offred to get her pregnant expresses how he would go to extreme lengths to gain pleasure. The Doctor has no concern that if Offred falls pregnant because of him, he will be half responsible and in realistic terms the baby will be his but he is ready to form a baby and forget about it. This illustrates that he is someone who probably does this on a regular basis and has overtime built up a careless attitude towards it. Offred refuses to be initmate with the Doctor and having done that saves herself from getting sent away.

1 comment:

  1. Apart from the meeting with the doctor being before the ceremony (I think) this is sound. WHat you don't do however is use quotation to justify your opinions, you also don't explore how and why the situation with the doctor is different from the one we would expect.

    It is very important to be specific with the details and use text to create an argument and prove what you are saying.

